Shallow water black out, in its most simple term, is the loss of consciousness from extended breath holding. In competitive swimming athletes are at high risk. Especially when doing repeated sets where they are pushing themselves to go further in their underwater work. This is used in preparation for competition […]
Maximum Practice Time in Swimming Lessons
Maximum practice time in the swimming lesson is essential for faster acquisition of swimming skills. Great swimming teachers always look for ways to ensure that maximum practice time is achievable during swimming lessons. As a swimming teacher how can you best achieve maximum practice time in your classes? Tip #1 […]
When Should you Introduce Swimming Goggles
Once children have been through the water familiarisation process, are happy playing and swimming underwater, and spend a lot of time doing so, you can introduce goggles. Goggles are very useful to help protect the children’s eyes against prolonged chlorine exposure and ph imbalances. You will notice that some children […]
Swimming Floats and Independent Skill Building
Swimming must be enjoyable In this video, Evie, who is 7 months of age, will show you how much she is enjoying her swimming lessons. She is conditioned to hold her breath on our verbal trigger ‘Evie, ready go’. Because she masters breath control, she can submerge safely underwater for […]
Independent Swimming at 2 years old
Take a look at this wonderful video of 2 year old Jethro swimming. His mother Renee was one of our swimming teachers at Laurie Lawrence Swim School Helensvale. Can you believe that Jethro is now nine years old. What I love about this video is how relaxed Renee is. You’ll […]