Exercising in the bath
Babies grow very quickly and will soon outgrow a baby bath. Now parents can use a bathtub or purchase a large plastic swimming shell for bath time activities.
Parents can now get into the tub with the child. This is perfect for supervision and engaging in great bonding sessions.
The water depth is very important. The water should cover your baby’s ears. If you are in the tub with baby, it is possible to fill the bath a little deeper. This will give baby an opportunity to feel their own buoyancy. All activities must be under strict parental supervision.
Exercising in the bath
Once your baby is in the big bath they will have more room to play, move and exercise.
- Lay your baby on their back
- Encourage them to exercise – say “kick, kick” as they move their little legs
- Splash water over their little bodies
- Use coloured toys for stimulation
- Never leave baby unattended in the bath
Stimulation in the big bath
Babies learn by stimulation of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. Bath time gives parents a perfect opportunity to stimulate these senses. Not only will your child enjoy the stimulus from communication, songs and toys but they will love and enjoy the stimulation that comes from being in warm water. Bath time is perfect for early bonding between parent and child.
When stimulating in the bath use;
- Communication
- Song
- Toys
- Touch
- Water
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