Following on from the article last month about circuits in your swim school.
Over the years the team at World Wide Swim School (WWSS) have developed countless lesson plans and ideas about how to run effective and efficient swimming lessons to get the best out of swimmers. One of our favourite things to incorporate into our swimming lesson plans is the use of swimming circuits.
What are the benefits of using circuits within swimming lesson plans?
While the benefits of circuits may differ depending on the type of circuit you use, there are many reasons they can enhance your swimming lessons. Circuits can:
- Help to promote maximum practice time by allowing all swimmers to be participating at the same time rather than waiting around for a turn. The more time spent actually swimming the faster students will master swimming skills.
- Enable valuable communication and one on one time with students and parents or carers within the swimming lesson.
- Promote independent swimming and skill development as students move through each station.
- Provide a variety of different skills and activities for swimmers to practice keeping the class group interested and engaged.
How can I create a great circuit?
Creating a swimming circuit is easy, it just requires some thought. Once you have a clear idea of your class group the ideas will flow and you will have a great circuit in no time.
When creating a circuit for your swimming lesson, ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the age of the class group?
- The skill level of the class group?
- Activities are appropriate for this group of swimmers?
- How many activities will you need for this circuit?
- What type of circuit will work best for this group of swimmers?
- Where will the class be situated? / What pool space will you be allocated?
- How large is the teaching area?
- Depth is the water?
- Types of circuits which will work best with the space you have been assigned?
- The equipment that will be available?
How do I run an effective circuit?
Once you have brainstormed your circuit and developed the lesson plan it’s time to put it into action. To make sure things run smoothly, ensure you:
- Assign different start positions to each student to avoid a “traffic jam”. This will allow the circuit to flow smoothly and efficiently.
- Be mindful check the other activities frequently to ensure swimmers are moving well, safe, and keeping on task – especially in classes where parents no longer assist you.
Position yourself for full supervision and consciously scan the class.
Laurie Lawrence