Kids Alive Water Safety Tips: Pool Fencing Checklist Pool owners must regularly make sure that the fence around their pool is in good working order and that the area around the pool fence is clear. To ensure swimming pool fencing safety, pool owners should ask themselves these questions: Kids, in […]
Utilising Swim Teaching Equipment – Teaching Tips
Laurie has always pushed the mantra of “maximum practice time” in his swim school. Over the past 45 years, Laurie has operated his swim schools in various locations. As well as with a variety of different teaching environments. Swim school owners and operators are constantly chasing that illusive ideal teaching […]
Swimming Class Control – Teaching Tips
Disruptive student behaviour is a threat to learning. Especially in the learn to swim environment where teachers have a small window of time to teach such an important life skill. Laurie has put together 5 tips for swimming class control to help teachers establish a productive learning environment. 1. Establish […]
When Should we Start Swim Lessons?
There is often some confusion surrounding when you should start swim lessons. Informal swimming lessons can start from birth, at home, in the bath tub. Water is a perfect medium to stimulate your baby. The bath becomes a place of fun, enjoyment, stimulation and learning. Parents should provide cuddling, singing, […]
I’m not Sure what to Expect in Swim Classes
Here is a Great Question that I Received and Would Like to Share: I have grandkids who are attending swimming lessons once a week. They are aged 8 and 5. I have been taking them and watching for progress, but am unsure what to actually expect. I understand individual differences. They are only […]