Child-related organisations have a responsibility to provide environments that promote the safety of children and protect them from harm and abuse. The Child Safe Standards is a guiding framework for organisations to implement Best Practices in Child Safety.The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual AbuseThe Royal Commission investigated historical allegations […]
Swim Lessons, Techniques & Tips: Blog & Articles
Further Expansion for dita Solutions & WWSS Teams
2020 was a busy year for the teams at dita Solutions and World Wide Swim School (WWSS), and due to their combined success, the decision was made to further develop the evolving companies and acquire two new team members, in the form of our new Digital Marketing Coordinator, Katie McCaffery, […]
Stuff the Silver, We’re… GOING FOR GOLD! Book Launched
Who Will Forget the PassionWho will ever forget that passionate explosion of emotion from Laurie Lawrence. For example, Laurie’s young charge Duncan Armstrong arrived at Seoul for the 1988 Olympics ranked 46th in the world, had just beaten three world record holders to take gold in the 400 metres freestyle […]
Benefits of Swimming – An Infant Aquatics Study
Research StudyThis Early-Years Swimming Research Project was conducted over four years. In addition, it centred on an examination of the possible benefits that may accrue for under-5s who participate in swimming lessons. For example, the study used a number of research techniques to explore the benefits of swimming in the […]
Kids Alive Couch Concerts – Learn More
Kids Alive Couch Concerts in June – Join us for our daily couch concerts at 2pm AESTWelcome to our Kids Alive Couch Concerts series! We are going to have so much fun together learning about water safety. Throughout June, we will host loads of virtual events to share ways to […]