From around 18 months of age children will love to explore the water by diving to the bottom and picking up rings. This activity is great for your child’s spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination. If your child does not have good breath control or is not totally comfortable with free-floating […]
Swim Lessons, Techniques & Tips: Blog & Articles
How Long Will it Take for my Child to Learn Swimming?
The number one question we receive online and at administration at our swim school is: How long will it take for my child to learn swimming? Every child is different and therefore it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. But the good news is that practice […]
5 Tips to Run Better Swimming Lessons
Swimming instructors know that the key to learning to swim is through lots of practice and repetition. While we can encourage our swimmers and their parents to attend multiple lessons per week, it isn’t always possible. This is because children today participate in more activities than ever before. Swimming lessons […]
Teaching Swimming to Kids Who Don’t Like It
We often get calls for help – mainly from parents who report that their children don’t like swimming lessons. This could be for a number of reasons, including fear of the water, a scare in the pool or another water environment, lack of early exposure to the water, developmental stages […]
Swim Teachers and your Teaching Team
Any swim school operator or Swim Teacher knows, they can’t run a business without a team of dedicated, professional instructors. They are needed to help keep classes running smoothly and to keep swimmers and their families wanting to return. Ideally, week after week, month after month, year after year for […]