If you operate your own swim school, you will understand how much thought and planning goes into programming. As well as running a successful learn to swim program. Make sure you provide your customers with a great, effective service because it is top priority. Parents or caregivers pay good money for […]
Swim Lessons, Techniques & Tips: Blog & Articles
How to Teach an Adult to Swim – Teaching Tips
Through much research such as online articles, journals, textbooks and learning how teach an adult to swim myself, the outcome is unanimous. Most young adult swimmers have a specific stroke or skill they want to learn. The young adult is aged between 18-30 years and is usually highly motivated in […]
How Long Will my Child Need to Attend Swim Classes?
I’m going to be honest with you, putting your child into child swim classes will require a big commitment. Really, most swim schools will want you to enroll with your baby before they turn 6 months of age. Then continue with them right through primary school, as your child masters […]
Preparing for the Cooler Months
It’s really important to educate and inform swimmers and their parents about preparing for the cooler months ahead. By giving them information on what to do before, during and after this will make a big difference mentally and physically for them to continue swimming. Preparing for the Cooler Months Before […]
What Can I Expect From My Child at 2 Years of Age at Swimming?
What you can expect from your child at 2 years of age to learn in their swimming lesson? Let’s break this down and look at some of the characteristics and developmental milestones your child maybe achieving during this age group. Social and Emotional Development Social and Emotional Implications on the […]