Infant aquatic teachers know babies have limited cognitive, physical and social skills, and, are nonverbal but still are able to teach them breath holding and basic swimming skills. If a 4-month-old can be taught breath holding and basic swimming skills, we strongly believe anyone can learn the foundations of swimming. […]
Swim Lessons, Techniques & Tips: Blog & Articles
Teaching the Beginner Swimmer – Part 1
Teaching the beginner swimmer may be difficult because they can often be afraid of the water. The parent or caregiver, although unintentional, may frighten their child in an attempt to keep them safe around the water. For example, statements such as “Come back from the side of the pool or you’ll […]
The Qualities of Great Swim Teachers
Laurie grew up around the famous Tobruk pool where great Olympians trained. These early experiences as a child, along with his formal education, helped to develop his philosophies around effective teaching practices. Laurie was aware early on that the need for great Swim Teachers around him would help his swim […]
Being an Adapted Aquatics Teacher
When teaching students that present with additional learning needs, it is imperative that you think outside the box. In addition, you must understand that they can swim, it just may just look different to what you usually see. When an Adapted Aquatics Teacher has the knowledge of their Swimmer’s condition and disability, […]
Laurie’s Learn to Swim Principles Part 2
Ledge kicking is often used as an introductory warm up activity in the Learn to Swim Principles. Utilising shallow ledges where children over the age of 4 can practice kicking drills is ideal. In this way, the depth of the kick is restricted. Also, children learn to perform the kicking […]