Teaching your child and encouraging swimming independence is very important. Children are curious and learn through their own exploration. Personal exploration often teaches children their boundaries. Even from a very young age babies can learn boundaries. Your baby will learn the differences between deep and shallow water and they will […]
Swim Lessons, Techniques & Tips: Blog & Articles
Stimulating the 5 Senses – Swim Lesson Teaching Tips
Newborn babies are like little sponges, soaking up information from their new environment. After being contained, protected, and immersed in a watery environment for nine months the new baby is “ready to learn”. Therefore, stimulating the 5 senses is important in the learn to swim process. Learning takes place via […]
Starting Swimming Lessons Later on
Starting Swimming Lessons Later on It is important to understand that not all people commence swimming lessons from birth. It is a common misconception that if children do not start from birth, than they are incapable of catching up and therefore cannot achieve great swimming skills. Forty years teaching experience […]
Exercising in the Bath – Baby Teaching Tips
Exercising in the bath Babies grow very quickly and will soon outgrow a baby bath. Now parents can use a bathtub or purchase a large plastic swimming shell for bath time activities.Parents can now get into the tub with the child. This is perfect for supervision and engaging in great […]
After Bath Care – Baby Teaching Tips
After Bath Care After bath care is extremely important for the health and well being of your baby. Before bath time get all after bath care products ready. For example, these include a towel, cotton buds and baby’s clothes. Never leave your child in the bath while you collect after […]