Even the most caring and vigilant parent can be affected by a drowning or near drowning. The Queensland Injury Surveillance Unit estimates that for every 1 child that drowns, 14 are taken to emergency departments and 4 of those are admitted to hospital. This is why the Kids Alive CPR […]
Swim Lessons, Techniques & Tips: Blog & Articles
Swim Classes for 2-2.5 Years Old’s – Teaching Tips
Swim classes for 2-2.5 year old’s poses many joys and challenges for both the parent and teacher. While all children are little individuals who progress and grow at different physical social and emotional rates. The rapid growth in the first three years of children’s lives as they progress from an […]
Taking swim classes for 2.5-3 year old’s
Children in this day and age are rapidly growing in a physical aspect. They learn to balance on one leg, climb up and down stairs, jump from small heights and kick a ball. In addition, three year old’s ability to understand, argue and communicate by increased language development has implications […]
Important skills in the water for an almost 3 year old
At this age children are now learning the concept of swimming and breathing and important skills in the water. This makes them capable of independent water play under strict adult supervision. Children of this age thrive on repetition and routine in the swimming lesson. Because their concentration span is limited, […]
Encouraging Independence – Teaching Tips
Teaching your child and encouraging independence is very important. Children are curious and learn through their own exploration. Personal exploration teaches children their boundaries and a respect for the water. However parents must always be supervising within arm’s reach. The Laurie Lawrence program for encouraging independence is done by: Holding […]